Penis size: how and how to enlarge a teenager's penis?

Almost every man in his life has thought about the size of his penis.

Sufficient size and length of manhood gives self-confidence. To date, there are a large number of techniques that contribute to the rate of penis growth.

Let's look in this article at exactly how you can increase this parameter in the most effective ways.

Penis enlargement techniques

teenager looks in his pants and wants to enlarge the member

Experts have developed techniques that help to enlarge the penis. The most common methods of penis enlargement are:

  • Exercises. The use of manual training in this case does not take much time. But to achieve the desired result, you must be patient. Because it will be noticed only after 2-3 years of regular training.
  • Special devices. Modern technologies have in their arsenal special devices that contribute to the dynamic enlargement of the penis. But before using them, you should carefully study the instructions. Because their improper use can lead to dangerous consequences.
  • Use of the load. This method is also intended for long-term use. Hanging loads require at least 2 years. Only in this case the desired result will be noticeable.

Accelerating the process of penis enlargement is quite a feasible task for any modern man. But to achieve this, you must follow all the necessary rules, even if you use quite safe folk methods of penis enlargement.

Should teenagers use these tips?

Sometimes this question worries teenagers as well. But they should not worry, because in adolescence the penis is just beginning to grow and will continue to do so while producing growth hormone, which is responsible for the overall development of the body. But testosterone affects the rate of puberty in boys.

Preparation for the procedure

Before proceeding directly to the procedure, you should carefully study the rules of the chosen technique. Because the penis can be severely damaged if mishandled.

teenager bathes before penis enlargement

When preparing the penis for the enlargement procedure, it is useful to perform the following manipulations:

  1. purchase all materials and devices needed for the selected procedure;
  2. you need to warm the penis with salt in a bag or a small piece of clean natural towel soaked in warm water. You can take a warm shower for maximum relaxation of all muscles of the body;
  3. during the procedure the man should not have a 100% erection, so it is better to use a special lubricant.

After warming up the penis, you can proceed directly to the penis enlargement procedure.

It is worth noting that it is possible to increase the growth of the penis in adolescence through proper nutrition.


The speed of growth depends on the correct performance of the exercises>. Let's take a closer look at the methodology for their application.


The advantage of this penis enlargement technique is that Kegel exercises can be done at any convenient time. To do this, you need to perform the following exercises:

  1. Quick massage. This is an initial exercise. It consists of squeezing and stretching the penis. You need to start with 20 reps. Then gradually increase to 1000 throughout the day. The duration of 1 compression after some time should be about 30 seconds.
  2. The load should be increased gradually. The duration of compression and stretching must be the same.
  3. Breathing during exercise should be deep and slow.
  4. During urination, you should tense and relax the genitals.

Kegel exercises help not only to accelerate the growth of the penis, but also to strengthen the erection and control ejaculation.


penis enlargement exercises for teenagers

Jelqing is ideal for men who do not have special devices for penis enlargement. These exercises include the following:

  1. pinch the genital organ at the base with the index and thumb;
  2. slowly pull it forward;
  3. after a few seconds you reach the head of the penis;
  4. hold the penis should be strong, but should not cause pain;
  5. once you reach the head, the procedure should be repeated with the second hand;
  6. the duration of the exercise should be at least 5 minutes.

To avoid injury to the organ during exercise, it is necessary to use a special lubricant.

When exercising, the penis should not be fully erect.


The essence of stretching is to increase the speed of the length of the penis. Stretching provides an incompletely erect penis. Stretching instructions:

  1. the exercise can be done in any comfortable position of the body;
  2. first you should not forget to warm the penis;
  3. take the organ in any convenient place except the head;
  4. without applying excessive force, stretch the penis forward, stay in this position for 30 seconds;
  5. then return it to its original position;
  6. stretching to be done not only forward but also in different directions.

These exercises should take at least 5 minutes a day.

Over time, the duration of training should be gradually increased.

To improve post-workout results, apply a penis enlargement cream.

Different devices

teenage penis pump

Men who have the opportunity to purchase special tools to achieve this goal can use the following devices:

  • Vacuum or water pump. The essence of this device is the introduction of the penis into a special flask. The air is then expelled from it. As a result, the member under such influence stretches. The use of the pump gives an almost instantaneous result due to the influx of blood to the organ.
  • Extension cord. This device should be placed on the penis and worn for 5-6 hours a day. This is one of the safest methods of penis enlargement, which helps to achieve the desired result for life.

If you have low sensitivity - no problem! Our recommendations will help you deal with the problem.

It is important to remember! Before using special devices for penis enlargement, you should consult a specialist! Because only the right approach to conducting procedures with their help will help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Use of the load

Before hanging the load on the penis, it is necessary to warm it up and do manual exercises. After preparing the body, the following manipulations should be performed:

  1. fix the bandage on the penis, which will help avoid organ injury;
  2. wrap a rope around it to hang the load;
  3. attach a load hook to the rope.

It is necessary to start such a workout with minimal loads. The load should weigh no more than 0, 5 kg.

Gradually the weight should increase. The duration of a workout weighing less than 1 kg should be about 40 minutes. If the load weighs more than 5 kg, then such training should last no more than 5 minutes.

After hanging the load, you must perform the following manipulations:

  1. in the upright position the member must lift the load and lower it to the floor;
  2. after a few workouts you should slowly turn the load to the side.

In this way, it is possible to increase the growth rate of the male organ in a short time.

During hanging weights, the penis should not be erect. Otherwise you can hurt him.

Competent performance of any exercises aimed at increasing the growth rate of the penis will help to achieve the desired result without consequences.